Monday, August 10, 2009


Hey all,

Many consider this to be the greatest graphic novel of all time. I don't know if I would call it the greatest ever, but it is very high on my list. The movie did not quite live up to its expectations. I've read it 8 times because it's complex and fun. I'll recap it quickly for anyone who's wondering what it's about.

The story revolves around a group of heroes who have been outlawed. The setting is 1985, and the world is on the brink of nuclear annihilation. Some of the heroes remain in hiding. One has continued to work as a vigilante, and the others work for the government. The heroes are largely like batman with no superhuman abilities. However, one does have superpowers, and he is also the only deterrent to nuclear war.

The trouble begins when a hero is murdered. This hero is the Comedian, and he has been working for the government. Another hero named Rorschach investigates and begins to suspect a plot to kill heroes. After contacting possible targets, another is exiled. The plot gains support, and the world may be at stake if the culprit isn't discovered soon enough. Back stories follow which provide plenty of character development. This is one graphic novel that does not disappoint, and I don't wish to spoil anything. Read it!

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