Monday, August 8, 2011

The Zodiac Killer: Is the mystery over?

Could it be true? Has the final Zodiac code naming the killer been cracked. That's what Corey Starliper says. What name is it? Well, you can find out here.

Personally, I want the mystery to be over cause this thing creeps me out big time. These murders happened 15 years before I was born, and they still bother me to no end. The attack at Lake Berryessa may be one of the most terrifying encounters in history. A man dresses in a black hooded diguise and ties up his victims, only to stab them repeatedly. Somehow, the man survived the attack, but his fiance didn't. The killer flees and writes letters to local newspapers about his deeds. Just terrifying.

Still, if you're like me and wish to face that fear. Here are a couple of books about the Zodiac Killer by Robert Graysmith.

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