Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fast food continued

Hey everyone,

Fast food may be addicting, but there isn't overwhelming proof of this. However, the proof necessary will probably not come because that research would be unethical and possibly dangerous. In despite of this, the message still remains the same, fast food should be avoided. Other reasons exist for this stance other than addiction. First off, the food is loaded with salt, fat, sugar, and calories. Moreover, it's also how the food is created. Particularly, I would avoid hamburgers (I don't always) and chicken nuggets (I do avoid these however). For anyone who wants to enjoy these foods without any reservations, I would quit reading now. Hamburger comes from beef, as I'm sure you know. However, in the old days, cows were fed grass and grazed normally. When they were butchered, the meat of one or just a few were ground into ground beef which has fat added to it to create hamburger. Today, the process is very different. Cows are raised on massive farms where they are fed corn and antibiotics. Yes, antibiotics, but that's another post. These massive farms are so crowded that cows live in their own feces. Images like this are not pleasant, but this is what food production has become. Some of this is bound to be included in our hamburger (which is why I would not recommend letting children eat hamburger). The meat from these cows is gathered into one lump sum which allows thousands or even tens of thousands of cows to be in one package of hamburger. If this doesn't disturb you, go ahead and keep eating regular hamburger. However, there are better options, but they cost a little more. For example, you can purchase hamburger made from cows that have been grass fed which will be listed on the package. However,I would recommend buying it from your local butcher or a local farmer who create their own (if they're around). This may not seem like much, but it's a start to consuming safer meat.

Next post, chicken nuggets.

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