Hey all,
While few people have actually discussed the role of insurance companies in these town hall meetings, I have a difficult time believing that they are playing no role in these proceedings.
People show up in throngs to rant and rave about healthcare reform. However, instead of engaging in an open discussion, they yell and disrupt the discussion. I can understand that people don't wish to pay for healthcare reform, but I don't understand the logic of this behavior. It seems so counter productive which is probably the purpose. Likewise, I don't think people would act this way unless they informed or even paid to do so.
The fact of the matter is that another insurance company (our government) would bring down the price of insurance for everyone. Those who are insured are already paying for the uninsured who have to be treated in the case of an emergency. This runs at about 75 billion dollars per year, and hospitals absorb this cost increasing the price of other care. However, another aspect that isn't mentioned is the cost of chronic care that is also included in this. People who have long stays in the hospital are only covered for a period of time. After this period is over, the hospital again absorbs this cost while maintaining care for this patient. These costs can be
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