Sunday, August 9, 2009

hey all,

I just wanted to plug this site quick. I'm not receiving any compensation for this, but I was supremely impressed with this website. It provides a lot of accurate information about weight loss and encourages fat loss. They not only want people to change their diet, but also exercise habits that include cardiovascular activity and weight lifting. With that being said, I would like to discuss the importance of these three activities and how they relate to weight.

Diet is obviously important to weight loss, and people tend to approach this the wrong way. We need food to survive and our bodies are meant to survive as long as possible, yet people so often starve themselves in an effort to lose weight. Eventually, metabolisms crash and the weight loss stops. Oddly enough, eating all three meals and snacking may be the best way to do this. The proportions become smaller.

Cardiovascular exercise is an excellent way to maintain or improve health, and it burns a good chunk of calories. However, without a diet change, this can easily be compensated for by just eating more food. The combination of these is the best option. Also, exercise increases metabolism for a short time, but there's a problem using only these two approaches. Muscle loss will occur with fat loss. This is easy to be fixed.

Lifting weights is the way to stop muscle loss. It has numerous other benefits as well. It's increases bone strength and metabolism for an entire day. Now, I'm sure many people don't want to gain muscle weight, but there is an easy solution to this. By doing 15 repetitions per set, you will only tone muscle and not gain it. This is final piece to weight loss puzzle that is so often ignored. By combining these three approaches to weight loss, success is much more likely.

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