Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hey all,

I'm kind of in a gloomy mood tonight because I am a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite like so many other people. I want to improve the world and help to foster change, but I can't even change myself. I haven't lost any weight, and I haven't done anything with meaning in my life. I supposedly care about all these issues and really I've done nothing to support them. The environment is important to me, but I continue to buy non-biodegradable products, drive everywhere, and support companies that don't give a crap about the environment. Helping those who are less fortunate than me is also important, but I have no money. However, I could give rides or volunteer at a soup kitchen, but I don't. Health is another important area for me that, in reality, trumps all the rest, but I'm still fat. I eat loads of food that is unhealthy and slowly shortening my life.

So, the question is simple. How do I stop being a hypocrite? Is it even possible? Because I want to be optimistic, I will leave this alone for now and discuss it in my next post.

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