Sunday, August 2, 2009 for everyone

Hey all,

Fundamentalism is not something that I consider to be a good thing. It tends to lead to absolutes and group think. It's great that people have such zeal for their beliefs, but this energy could be put to better use. Imagine if the energy used to attack beliefs were put to helping people. That would bring about an amazing change. I bring this up because I read some quotes from Christians on wikipedia. Now, I will admit that I did not fact check this information, and the quotes are so extreme that I originally considered them to be hyperbole. However, I no longer believe this to be the case. The thing that really surprises me is the anti-science, anti-atheism, anti-homosexuality, and anti-liberal nature of these comments.

In the view of a scientist, liberal, and self-acclaimed logical thinker, these comments are, at once, hilarious and scary. A sample argument is: "If we came from monkeys, then why aren't we born monkeys (apes)" as an attack against evolution, but they include many others. Attacks against gravity, a spherical Earth, and a heliocentric solar system (geocentric is the only way apparently) are there. Atheists are considered to be less than human, somehow, in these discussions. Liberal public schools (didn't realize they were so highly polarized toward liberalism) are also a topic of discussion, and, of course, homosexuality. Part of me wonders where they receive this information, but it's also sad in a way. These "Christians" who openly pass judgment on others are alienating people and slowly reducing the religion to fundamentalist zealots. I would encourage other ways, but I don't think they'd listen. Anyone agree or disagree?

P.S. I know some Christians (they are not the majority) who are excellent representatives of the religion and are, in my opinion, Christ-like.

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