Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another Back 4 the Future plug

Sometimes, a movie studio just doesn’t understand how much fans can love a movie franchise. There are times when a movie can define a decade for someone.  It could be the one with that guy named Luke or Indiana.  For some, it’s the franchise about time travel featuring a Delorean.  But, you know what?  The movie studio doesn’t get it.  I fucking love this series.  As a kid and even an adult, I wanted to travel through time.  I wanted to be the assistant to a scientist, especially a sexy older scientist.

Come on!  It's worth it!
In Paperback
On Kindle
On Nook

Is it a surprise that I didn’t want it to be over?  Three movies was all I got.  How is that fair?  I wanted more, so I wrote another one.  But, apparently, fan fiction isn’t the same as a spec script. Big deal.  Some of the comments I received from Universal Studios were insane.  Maybe, it’s quote “riddled with anachronisms” whatever that means. Yes, there are definitely some homosexual overtones between the young man and the scientist.  Let’s be honest here. Why would a genius scientist have a high school boy who dreams of being a rock star and has sub-par grades be his research assistant?  It doesn’t make any sense. I’m just saying he clearly wanted to tap that ass.  Really, who doesn’t want to bone Michael J. Fox, even now? Hell, I know I do, and I know he’d be creeped out by it too. And what does me supposedly sending naked pictures of myself to the stars of this franchise have to do with the quality of my story.  Talk about a non-sequitar.  If I were a woman, they wouldn’t be complaining.  So what?  I maybe sent some naked pictures.  So FUCKING what?  Why don’t you read it before you judge me?  Just read it!  Read it and decide for yourself.

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