Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Did Barry (B-Rock) Obama pull a fast one on Republicans and the American Public?

It appears that a peaceful solution has been found with Syria. Or, well, it's on hold. But, as I think about it, Barry's stance never made much sense. He pushed so hard for intervention, against the wishes of America, Democrats, and many Republicans. Still, he kept pushing. While I didn't watch, supposedly, he made the case on national television last night. Then, when he met Putin, they talked for 20-30 minutes. Within a week, Russia proposes that Syria had over their chemical weapons, and we're on the way to peace. Yeah, so what's the big deal? Well, if Barry wasn't in support of the bombing, Republicans would have taken a conflicting stance because they can. Hell, that's how they do with Barry. But, before that, he didn't even want to ask them. What's the response of the American public and the Republican house going to be? Outrage, pure and simple. Republican and some Democrats call on President Obama to ask congress. Everyone is outraged. The progress is slowed. The evidence remains unclear. The bombing lags, but the military is going in. China and Russia say "hey, don't you do this." Ships move into striking distance. The pressure is on Assad to give up his chemical weapons. Now, Russia and, maybe, China is pushing for a diplomatic solution. By the way, France is behind us! France? This country is supporting us. Weird, right? So, the public is outraged. Russia is looking for some kind of diplomatic solution. Republicans are furious. The invasion is at a standstill, and we might not even go in. Then, it's solved, like that (snaps fingers). Putin (this guy?) has a diplomatic solution. There is no attack. And, the US still wins. Assad's chemical weapons will be taken away, strengthening the rebel's position. The rebels may still have chemical weapons. We can still overthrow Assad without the collateral damage that comes with bombing. Based on President Obama's past history, this is highly unlikely, but, as someone who used to be a fan of him, it's kind of amusing to think that he may have successfully played a game of politics. P. S. This blog has not been proofread or edited.

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