Hey everyone,
Maine passed a law allowing same sex marriage a few months ago. Today, there is a vote to repeal this law. As you may have figured out, I am in support of gay marriage, and I hope that Maine will prove that the state, in whole, is as well. The problem for me is that this is even an issue at all. I can understand where the opposing side is coming from. The world is changing to something where they aren't the majority. As a straight, white man, I can see how gay rights may make someone feel like their glory days are over or that morality is slowly being destroyed. However, this is not the case. These laws are balancing the scales creating equality. So, people say that the bible speaks against it, and that gay people are unnatural. However, examples exist in the animal kingdom (google it) showing that it may not be as unnatural as you think. And, if you're against gay rights because the bible says so, well, you've never read the passage about loving your neighbor. This didn't say love everyone but gays or some other minority. All were included. Jesus also discusses a man and a women becoming one, but this seems more like a condemnation of divorce than gay marriage. Marriage is a unification of two people (man and woman, woman and woman, or man and man). Marriage is a right that we all deserve to whichever human being we want to marry as long as it consensual. Imagine if you had been told that you couldn't marry the person that you love and who loved you back. Would that be an injustice or discrimination? Absolutely. Not allowing the same rights to a minority group is discrimination. There are no exemptions to this rule. If Prop1 passes in Maine, it will be a sad day in this country and will set a precedent for discrimination. No one should have to fight for rights, and no one has to as long as they aren't denied to anyone.
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