Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey all,

On Saturday, I went to see Zombieland. As the title suggests, there are zombies involved. In this take, the zombies have mad cow disease that causes a swelling of the brain, fever, and a taste for human flesh. All science aside, it is an innovative idea. For once, this is an intentional zombie comedy which can be gruesome at times, but it is a lot of fun to watch. It centers around four main characters who go by city names, so they don't become too personal with each other. There's Columbus who was effectively a hermit before the outbreak. He is the main character who has survived the two month outbreak by following certain rules. The main four are: Cardio, Wear Your Seat Belt, The Double Tap, and Beware of Bathrooms. After being alone for two months, he decides to head East looking for his parents. Along the way, he meets another survivor who is heading to Tallahassee which is also the name by which he is known. The man is a zombie killing machine, and it's a lot of fun to watch him work. The other two characters are sisters named Wichita and Little Rock who just happen to be scam artists. Consequently, they scam Columbus and Tallahassee and steal their vehicle. Revenge becomes the motive after they stop heading East and chase after the sisters, but they are scammed again and eventually join the sisters on a trip to California where a supposed safe haven exists. I won't spoil the rest of the film, but I liked it. It had good characters, good action, and great comedy. 8/10.

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