Thursday, October 29, 2009

Clinton Hunter Development Initiative

Hey everyone,

So, I'm still talking about the William J. Clinton Foundation and all the work it does around the world and in the United States. However, this branch focuses on Africa and achieving sustainable growth there. In Africa, 325 million residents live on a one dollar a day or less and don't have access to clean water, quality health care, and other goods needed for survival. Also, this branch is focusing on agriculture because two thirds of Africans depend upon it to survive, but many lack markets that offer fair prices as well as fertilizer, disease resistant seeds, and other farming implements.

Currently, this initiative is working in Rwanda and Malawi to change these problems in a way that is locally sustainable. So far, $100 million will invested over ten years, but I'm sure they could always use more money or people.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)

Hey everyone,

I'm finally going to return to the William J. Clinton Foundation. This another branch of the foundation which was established in 2005. This uses the non-government sector to improve specific problems around the world, and, by so doing, it helps to build a more integrated global community of shared benefits, responsibilities, and values. Members of the CGI create pragmatic solutions to various problems around the globe. These problems are then solved through "commitments to action". So far, there have been 1700 of these which has raised $57 billion and helped 200 million people in over 170 countries. Examples of these commitments to action include the access to clean, safe drinking water for 12 million people, more than 10 million children have gained better access to education, and 33 million acres of forest have been protected or restored, just to name a few. There are many more, and this organization is doing a lot of good in the world.

As a side note, all information comes from, and ten percent of proceeds from this blog go to this foundation (hopefully more someday).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Health diary: post 7

Hey everyone,

I've followed my diet with a strict adherence, but I need to drink less pop still and eat more vegetables. I'm doing better with the pop situation, but I still consume way too much. My running has also fallen off a little bit (I missed two days) but that will bounce back soon enough. Other than those issues, I am steadily losing weight and quickly approaching 300 lbs. I know that's still a lot, but it's been over four years since I've weighed less than that. One other thing, I need to lift more weights and consume more protein. I don't feel like I've lost muscle mass, but it's inevitable. I need to start hitting the local weight room and do a half hour workout three days a week. However, eating less, not eating after 8, and focusing on eating better have yielded an awesome result. When I stepped on the scale this morning, I weighed 307.7 lbs. Actually, I had weighed quite a bit less yesterday, but I didn't run or walk yesterday. This is still an excellent loss, and I really can't wait until that 3 is a 2.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Stephen Colbert and

Hey all,

On October 7th, 2009, Stephen Colbert presented a story about the website which is a conservative version of wikipedia. Apparently, wikipedia is liberal, anti-christian, and anti-American. However, I don't see it. Well, they also think that the bible is too liberal and have set about changing it to coincide with conservative values. This is a fairly simple process. They remove the liberal parts. However, this has lead to criticism (of course) even from conservatives. Well, Dr. Stephen T. Colbert D.F.A. discussed this topic on his show and told his fans that he wished to be included in the bible as an historical figure. His fans promptly replied and did just that. However, the overflow from the fans crashed the site for an extended period of time which was considered mass vandalism by However, as a fairly liberal person, I love this site and love the Colbert Report, yet I am disheartened by a group which would go to such extremes to present their views. As a side note, I recommend that, if you go to the site, read about Stephen Colbert. It's a hoot.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Hey all,

This arm of the William J. Clinton Foundation focuses on fighting childhood obesity. Clearly, this is a problem in this country. As I've expressed in previous posts, I agree that this is a major problem, and something needs to be done about it immediately. With increasing rates of type 2 diabetes, the United States is a facing an emerging epidemic, yet there are many other problems relating to obesity (heart disease, certain cancers, etc.). Children and teenagers present an excellent opportunity to reverse chronic health problems because they are more likely to permanently change health behaviors. The approach taken by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a four pronged one. School is the first one, and, while it is obvious, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation focuses on teaching parents, teachers, and principles about health promotion, healthy eating, and physical activity to decrease obesity and improve health of children. The second prong is children themselves. They use children and popular names or outlets for children to educate, engage, and activate healthy lifestyles. The third prong is healthcare; consequently, prevention, treatment, and the diagnosis of obesity by these agencies is the main goal here. The final prong is by working with industries to provide healthier food for children. They are, in my opinion, moving in the right direction towards solving this problem. If we don't fix it now, the solutions in the future will cost much more.

Monday, October 19, 2009

William J. Clinton Foundation

Hey everyone,

This is one of many excellent organizations that is focusing on major problems facing the world today. While there are also many other charities that I will talk about in upcoming posts, I want to focus on this one because it trying to improve many of the issues facing the world today (which are also important issues for me). This organization was started by former President Clinton after he left the White House to tackle the many issues facing the world today. He felt limited in government and thought a private organization could achieve the things he wanted to in office. Currently, the William J. Clinton Foundation is focusing on global climate change, HIV/AIDS in the developing world, childhood obesity and economic opportunity in the United States, and economic development in Africa and Latin America. Now, I doubt that there is anyone who can say that any of these issues are not important. However, if you feel that one or some are not important or that one is more important than the rest, you can choose to which area you want to give. Donations start at just $25, but you can make monthly contributions or volunteer if you are that committed. In later blogs, I will outline the areas of giving, but I encourage you to look for yourself at Also, 95.9% of the money donated goes directly to the programs. If you look at these problems and think that your donation won't help much or that the problems are insurmountable, well, $25 dollars can provide clean water for a person for life in underdeveloped countries. Now, imagine if just a dozen people gave $25 a month for 30 years. This group of people could provide a lifetime supply of clean water for 4320 people. That's two of my hometowns. Everyone can make a difference, we just have to believe it and act.

P.S. Ten percent of proceeds from this blog will go to charity (I get paid by the click).

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Hey all,

Last night, I saw this movie (it's also a book), and I was blown away. The story was fantastic. It was breathtaking, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and fun. The story centers around Max who just wants to play but no one wants to play with him. Eventually, he makes a scene around his mother and her boyfriend. She grabs him, and he bites her still trying to play. She berates him, so he runs away. At this point, he enters his fantasy world. Max hops into a sailboat and traverses the seas until he reaches an island. Once on the island, he encounters creatures who are an amalgam of different animals. There's Carol who is good at smashing and breaking things. Douglas who is Carol's best friend and a yes man. Alexander who no one listens to or even likes. There's Ira and Judith who are in love. Ira is good at making holes and Judith is a downer. Then, there's K.W. who Carol wants to be close to, but she has left. Eventually, they make Max king after he is able to lie about special powers and promises to take away all of the sadness. While the beginning is good, conflict erupts and things don't stay good. I won't spoil any more because it is worth seeing. I'll conclude by saying that this movie really affected me. I was on the brink of tears in the theater, and that almost never happens to me. Honestly, 10/10.

Health diary: post 6

Hey all,

Today was my traditional weigh in, and I thought I would actually weigh a little more this week. However, I weighed 311.6, and, while it is only 0.2 lbs, it is an improvement. I actually weighed 310.8 on Friday morning, but I ate at a Mongolian grill that night (it's my weakness). This bumped my weight up a little, but I still weigh less. My body fat percentage continues to drop, and I'm still pretty good with how much and what I eat. I've been running, but my parents treadmill broke. I didn't run yesterday (I maybe would have weighed less if I had). Now, I'm going to move to the high school where I can lift weights and run in a warm environment. I'm guessing that next week I will have another big dropoff. The only hurdle that's left for me is pop. It's still a part of my diet, and it has to go. It's not good for my teeth, bones, or body. However, I routinely pass up other unhealthy foods such as chips, candy bars, or candy. I'm definitely on the path to health. Hopefully, by next fall, I will weigh 250lbs or less.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Arrested Development: the movie

Hey all,

It's official. There will be an Arrested Development movie with the entire original cast. This is old news, but I'm still excited for the event. Mitch Hurwitz, who created the show, and Jim Vallely, a writer and executive producer, are currently working on the script. Reports suggest that they are about half-way done. Originally, there was some dispute because Michael Cera did not sign onto the production immediately; honestly, I don't blame him. This project may not have moved anywhere and wanting a script is a reasonable response for a budding Hollywood star. Hopefully, it will not be in development hell or (yeah, I'm going there) arrested development. According to, it's slated for a release in 2011. However, Mitch Hurwitz has said that it will not be an expensive production. This has left some fans worried, but, if you assume that they spent about 3 million dollars per episode, they could make a pretty good movie for 20 or 25 million dollars. With Hurwitz and Vallely at the wheel, I think the movie will be just as good as any of the episodes. Personally, I can't wait for the Bluth family to be back, and, hopefully, there will be an appearance by Barry Zuckercorn, Ann Veal, Franklin Delano Bluth, and many others from the show.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Colbert Report

Hey all,

I love this show, but I especially have to give it credit for accurately lampooning politics. Stephen Colbert (announced Col-bear(oh, he wouldn't like that)) hosts this show as the fictional uber-conservative version of himself. Recently, I love that he has taken a stand for health and health care reform which I can't applaud enough. Best of all, the show has continued to be funny, smart, and on point. Any of which could easily fall by the wayside. Colbert also tends to lampoon religion even though he teaches Sunday school and is a devout Catholic. It's a pleasant change from the belief (in the U.S. at least) that religion is essentially infallible on television or in the media. Also, I have to laud his charity work (he makes plugs for charities on the show), and his recent trip to Iraq. While he doesn't seem like a supporter of the war, it was ballsy to go over to Iraq just to entertain troops and boost morale. Since I'm fawning over this show, I'll also mention the other segments that I really enjoy which are The Word, That's the Craziest F***ing Thing I've Ever Heard, and Alpha Dog of the Week. Finally, his narcissism another excellent part of the show with such efforts as having a Hungarian bridge named after him, and having a treadmill on the International Space Station named after him. Or, his effort to change the bible at Honestly, the entire show is great because I laugh out loud at it, but it also makes me think. Thank you, Dr. Stephen T. Colbert D.F.A.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Alfred Nobel

Hey all,

This will not be a long post about Alfred Nobel, but I wanted to mention this man. Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and inventor. Nobel invented dynamite in 1867, but he always intended for this explosive to be used for peace. However, this would not always be the case. While it is arguable, this is one cause for the Nobel Peace Prize. Towards the end of his life, he included the creation of awards in his will. These would be the Nobel Prizes which included the categories of Literature, Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Peace, and eventually Economics. Famous recipients include Albert Einstein, Ivan Pavlov, Teddy Roosevelt, Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Mother Theresa, Elie Wiesel, Toni Morrison, Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson, and, now, Barrack Obama. The list goes on and on. But, I think this is Nobel's greatest achievement because science and peace should be rewarded. These gifts and abilities should be exalted.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey all,

On Saturday, I went to see Zombieland. As the title suggests, there are zombies involved. In this take, the zombies have mad cow disease that causes a swelling of the brain, fever, and a taste for human flesh. All science aside, it is an innovative idea. For once, this is an intentional zombie comedy which can be gruesome at times, but it is a lot of fun to watch. It centers around four main characters who go by city names, so they don't become too personal with each other. There's Columbus who was effectively a hermit before the outbreak. He is the main character who has survived the two month outbreak by following certain rules. The main four are: Cardio, Wear Your Seat Belt, The Double Tap, and Beware of Bathrooms. After being alone for two months, he decides to head East looking for his parents. Along the way, he meets another survivor who is heading to Tallahassee which is also the name by which he is known. The man is a zombie killing machine, and it's a lot of fun to watch him work. The other two characters are sisters named Wichita and Little Rock who just happen to be scam artists. Consequently, they scam Columbus and Tallahassee and steal their vehicle. Revenge becomes the motive after they stop heading East and chase after the sisters, but they are scammed again and eventually join the sisters on a trip to California where a supposed safe haven exists. I won't spoil the rest of the film, but I liked it. It had good characters, good action, and great comedy. 8/10.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Health diary: post 5

Hey all,

I weighed myself this morning and found that I had lost some weight over this previous week. Running, some weights, and healthy eating were my continued strategies. However, I'm still drinking pop, and it has to go. Because it's been cold, I've been running on my parent's treadmill where I sweat more than I would outside. This may be why I've lost so much weight this week. There is also another problem. I haven't eaten as many vegetables this week as I usually do, but I didn't eat much meat either. More processed foods were consumed by me, so I have to work on that. Still, I''m just eating less food at every meal, and I try not to consume any calories after 8 PM. The strategy is still working. Just for the record, I've ran 24 miles this week. So, I suppose you're wondering how much weight I've lost. Well, this morning, I weighed in at 311.8 lbs. My weight last week was 319.3lbs, but I felt I was water heavy and thought that maybe 315 or 316 was closer. That said, I'm losing about three pounds a week which is the max weight loss that anyone should lose in a week. Honestly, two pounds a week would be better, but I weigh so much that it isn't difficult for me to lose 3 pounds a week. I expect this rate of weight loss to lessen once I hit 280 or so. Any suggestions or questions?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog

Hey all,

So, a few months ago, I watched this, and I loved it. It was unbelievable because it combined some of my favorite things. Excellent acting, comedy, and spectacular music. This online sensation came about because of the writer's strike. There was nothing new on television, but Joss Whedon and his brothers wanted to create some new content. Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog was born with a straight forward narrative. There are three main characters: Dr. Horrible who is an aspiring super villain played by Neil Patrick Harris, Captain Hammer who is Dr. Horrible's nemesis and, technically, a good guy played by Nathan Fillion, and Penny who is a social activist played by Felicia Day. It starts with Dr. Horrible doing a video blog and pining for Penny who he loves even though they have never spoken. The only time he sees her is when they wash laundry together. However, during a heist, she approaches him, and they have their first conversation. Captain Hammer appears and foils the robbery and captures the attention of Penny. At the same time, Dr. Horrible is trying to show off for the Evil League of Evil, but a botched robbery only means that his actions will have to become drastic to gain acceptance. Dr. Horrible will have to kill somebody. At first, he is apprehensive until he runs into Captain Hammer at the laundromat with Penny. They recognize each other, and Captain Hammer tells him what he's going to do with Penny just to spite him. After this, Dr. Horrible knows who he wants to kill. I won't spoil anymore, but I can't laud this work enough. Check it out. It's on hulu and youtube or you can buy it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

We've crashed into and caused an explosion on the moon

Hey all,

This morning, NASA crashed two spacecraft into the moon in the search for water. The results have not been confirmed, but I'm guessing that there is a significant amount of water on the moon. The first explosion was not caused by a bomb, but by the sheer energy of the first spacecraft. However, the crater is the size of a tennis court and about 10 feet deep. The explosion also kicked up moon dust through which the second craft flew to obtain data about the water situation on the lunar surface. The second craft also collided with the surface. Still, this information could be helpful for establishing a moon base for future space missions, but the prospect of space travel beyond the moon by humans is what really excites me. However, at the same time, this mission seems like a step back for NASA. Moon landings by humans ended in 1972, and we've never been back. The work and expense may be more than the knowledge obtained, but that thinking is only looking forward 50 or 100 years. Information obtained now will be used for, hopefully, thousands or even millions of year. I hope that this situation will change in a decade or two, but we are ignoring the importance of space travel. It's not more important than many problems which plague this planet, but it can't just be pushed aside either. We need to go back to the moon and on to Mars.

Nobel Peace Prize

Hey all,

I was surprised to learn (as I'm sure you know) that President Barrack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is not the first United States president to receive this honor. Teddy Roosevelt received it in 1906 for his work to end the Russo-Japanese War. Woodrow Wilson received it for his work after WWI with the League of Nations. Jimmy Carter received it in 2002 for his continuing humanitarian work and peacekeeping efforts. Now, the obvious question is, what has President Obama done to deserve this. I'm sorry to say that the answer seems to be, next to nothing. Personally, I'm still a fan of President Obama, but this award should have gone to someone else. This country (the United States) still has two wars that are being fought. While the troops are being withdrawn from Iraq slowly, we may up the ante in Afghanistan. Consequently, this is maybe where this award comes into play. The Nobel committee may be saying, we expect something out of you. Now, it's time for you to deliver. However, if that's the case, I doubt that it will work simply because Afghanistan is not moving in a favorable direction for us. And, honestly, out of 204 candidates, there was no one better? I think that President Obama will do a lot for peace in the future, but the award is premature. What does everyone else think?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Arrested Development quotes and a shameless plug

Hey all,

There used to be a show on Fox called Arrested Development. In my opinion, it's the best comedy to ever be on television. So, I just wanted to list some of my favorites quotes. Here it goes.

Shop lady at a store for transvestites:"Are you actually going to buy this time or are you just looking?"
Tobias:"I guess you could say I'm buy curious."

Tobias reads an excerpt from his book to a group of gay men: "Only once the man inside me is out, can I walk free again."

Saddam Hussein look-alike: "I'm sorry. I'm acting like an Uday look-alike."

George Michael: "Maybe, it was the singer songwriter George Michael."

G.O.B. in front of a group of children: "Tricks are something whores do for money.......or candy."

Mrs. Featherbottom: "Who'd like a banger in the mouth?"
Michael: "Over here, we call it a sausage."
Mrs. Featherbottom: "Who'd like a sausage in the mouth?"

Michael talking to his father: "You made a deal with Saddam Hussein?"
George: "I thought he was the soup nazi. I told him that I loved his work."

Lucille to her daughter: "We're having Lindsey chops for supper."

There are many more, and I'm sure I'll have another post of quotes. It's time for a shameless plug. If you like this blog, please click on ads to generate some revenue for me. Thank you and enjoy.

Health diary: Post 4

Hey all,

For the first time, I have not lost weight. Today, I weighed 319.3 lbs. It's no wonder why I didn't drop any weight this week. I ate out for supper twice, and I also went to a wedding last night where I ate a lot and drank some beer. Also, I am still drinking pop, but I am going to quick it cold turkey tomorrow or at least drop down a lot (I'm still having trouble with this). However, while the scale doesn't say that I've lost weight, I still feel like my stomach is smaller, and I'm maintaining my muscle mass well with weight lifting. Also, I don't think I consumed as much vegetables as I normally would which didn't help either. My diet is still a lot healthier than it used to be, and, also, it's okay to wander from the a lifestyle change once in a while as a reward or for situations that are not common. However, if I don't lose weight this week, I need to re-evaluate my intake and make some changes. With this combination of diet, exercise, and weight-lifting, I think this system is foolproof.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yes, I am a Gleek!

Hey all,

I am a straight man who is 24 years old, and, yes, I am a Gleek! I love Glee, but, apparently, this brings my sexuality into question (apparently, being gay is a terrible thing). Personally, I think this is hilarious because enjoying anything remotely effeminate is apparently proof of the fact that I am gay (gay being derogatory). Clearly, they have never seen the show (or are insecure about their sexuality). Otherwise, these insults would not be hurled at me, but I am going to continue watching Glee because it is amazing. I listen to the music all the time, and, honestly, many of the songs are better than their originals. Also, every genre is covered from rap to country (yes, I consider them to be nearly opposites). The show is fantastic, and all of the episodes are available on still, so I implore to watch the show if you haven't already. It's airs Wednesday at 9PM/8PM Central time. It is infectious.

Rent: The Musical

Hey all,

I went to see Rent last night, and it was the time that I had seen this musical. Sadly, the seats weren't great, so I couldn't hear everything. However, I still thought that it was excellent. The music, of course, was fantastic as well as the storyline. The story centers around a bunch of artists who are living in New York. It follows one year in their lives. Overall, there are eight main characters. Four of these characters have HIV. They are mainly poor and struggling to survive. Love blooms for four of the characters at the beginning while two are already a couple. Over the course of the musical, one of them succumbs to AIDS while the others mourn. Relationships fall apart and come back together, and it ends happily (or as happily as it can). Overall, this play seems to be a statement about poverty as well as HIV. Last night, two pieces of the AIDS quilt were on display. I have actually seen part of it in Duluth as well, and it is moving. Personally, I believe that we should never forget the past, so we can learn from it. The AIDS epidemic has become a pandemic. It's time that we move on this issue. With simple preventive tactics, we can stop AIDS. If you haven't seen this, I recommend that you see it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hey all,

So, again, my friend Nicole convinced that I should write a blog......about this subject. She is a current graduate student in dentistry, so I'm guessing that's why she wanted me to write this. Wow, she has a lot of influence over me, that's for sure. So, here it goes. My experience with dentists has always been positive. My teeth have always been good. I never needed braces as a teenager, but I wore a retainer for a time. In my entire life, I've only had three cavities. This is probably because I drink so much milk, but I do need a cleaning, soon. Overall, I have few complaints except that I don't like when my teeth are poked by that pointy metal thing. I know it removes plaque, but it kind of hurts. In summary, I think dentists are super cool and fun, especially my friend Nicole. Once she becomes a dentist, I'm sure she'll become my favorite dentist, even. She's already given me advice about my clicking jaw, and she was 100% correct about it. Personally, her level of knowledge in this field is really sexy because I find intelligence to be sexy. Yep, that's right. Intelligence is sexy and so is dentistry.

Satan as the insular adversary

Hey all,

I was thinking about how people always blame the devil for improper behavior, and I always think that they should take responsibility for their actions. However, they can't be responsible for their behavior, so, instead, it's saying their sorry and a trip to some sort of re-education camp where they learn how to be straight, sober, or whatever with a little bit of help from Jesus. However, here's the problem with this whole Satan argument. According to Christianity, God is all powerful, and it created Satan/Lucifer as an angel. This angel turned against it and started a war, so God banished this angel to hell where he(?) remains to this day. So, here's the problem. God has to be more powerful than Satan, so Satan has to be operating under the jurisdiction of God. However, I would argue that there is, in fact, no Satan. Or, at least, not the isolated enemy that we've been told about. It doesn't seem like a very loving God who would actively tempt people to sin and stray away from it. Due to the omnipotence of God, Satan can't be fully isolated like we've been lead to believe. Now, why would God need an enemy? Especially when it is all powerful. If God knows everything, including our thoughts, then why tempt us? Logically, this does not make sense. So, it's a better possibility that people who espouse these beliefs and fail to follow them are not tempted at all, except by themselves. They are hiding something, but they think that God will pass them by if they put on a good enough show. Then, perhaps, the temptation becomes too great or they realize that they can't fool God and give in, asking for forgiveness after the fact. This seems like a much more plausible solution to me, and I think it's time that people take responsibility or walk the walk. What do you think?