You may want to know something about me. I can't guarantee that, but, just in case, I thought I'd tell you. First off, why krazyminnesotan? Well, I'm from Minnesota. But why the krazy and with a k no less. Well, my last name starts with a k, and, by spelling crazy with a k, it shows just how "crazy" I am. Sure, there are crazier spellings like krazi, or kraize, but I want to be a little kooky and fun not illiterate. So, other things about me.
My name is Nick, and I just graduated from college with a psychology major (don't worry, I'm not analyzing you.....yet). I like science and research and will hopefully work in that area one day. Also, I'm pretty liberal when it comes to politics, and I'm sure I'll rant about that a little on here. Also, I enjoy reading, movies, and knowledge gaining activities. Overall, I'm a pretty big nerd. I'm sure you'll figure out more about me as I jabber on.
P.S. I'm single, and I like long walks on the beach, doing the things you want to do, and changing myself. Well, one of those things is true and none of those things are pertinent.
Ah but Nick you have made a fatal error you did not state weather it is women or men you are trying to reach with your personal add on the bottom here. Sounds like men to me... HaHa Sorry but I don't give you enough grief and no one else has posted so I figured I would get the ball rolling.