Friday, July 31, 2009


Hey all,

I'm getting pretty tired of the cost of this stuff. What's even worse is that when the market goes up, so does oil and gas. Now, if I remember correctly, this played a part in this current economic recession *cough* depression *cough*. The story would be different if the demand was sky rocketing showing record numbers of consumption, but the case is quite the opposite. Demand is down because consumption is decreasing (simple enough). Likewise, There is no reason why oil should be approaching $70 again except speculation. Investors think that oil is bound to increase which was correct when it was $45 a barrel, but I don't think that's the case anymore. It's just good to know that wall street cares about the common folk. Hmm...that doesn't sound right. Oh, yeah, they seem to care about money. I wish there were a case otherwise, but I don't see it. If anyone else does, let me know.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Food Inc.

Hey all,

This is a good movie. I really enjoyed it because it covered the entire food spectrum, and it didn't blame one specific food. However, it did blame the corporations who create these mass amounts of food for the populace. However, it becomes a dilemma. Cheap, unhealthy food pervades our culture now,and healthier choices cost more. For many people, the choice is easy if they have a choice at all.

It presents an excellent point that we vote three times a day. As consumers, we have more power than we realize, but the government needs to help as well. Subsidies on these products pushes down the price of unhealthy food. If they were to do that with organic and healthier food, I think we'd see a dramatic shift in many health problems that are plaguing and will continue to plague this country.

If you get a chance, this movie is definitely worth seeing.

Healthcare reform

Hey all,

I get it. To some degree it makes sense. Our country doesn't have much money right now. President has already racked up a trillion dollar deficit. Now, forget the fact that former President Bush had about 3 trillion dollars of debt during his 8 years, and forget that the TARP money went through a Republican house, senate, and presidency. Ergo, Barrack Obama is responsible for the state of this nation. Ok, so that doesn't make any sense. However, there is something else that doesn't make any sense. That's leaving 47 million people without health care coverage.

We can illogically compare this plan to Canada's showing the evils which will ultimately lead us to an early death. This is illogical because the US plan is an insurance plan and not a government run plan. While I agree with some arguments that people need to take responsibility for their own care to some degree (i.e. preventive measures), we can't leave people out in the cold, so to speak, anymore. These uninsured patients cost hospitals $100 billion a year driving up prices for those who are insured. Could it be that this plan could actually provide excellent care while simultaneously driving down costs? I think so, but, again, I have an issue. This plan cannot be rushed, and it can't be forced through congress. So, I propose a new plan. We wait one year. Over that year, congress has their top notch health insurance plan stripped from them. Just to provide perspective, you see. Maybe, just maybe, that might help congress to get their priorities straight for once. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A little bit about me


You may want to know something about me. I can't guarantee that, but, just in case, I thought I'd tell you. First off, why krazyminnesotan? Well, I'm from Minnesota. But why the krazy and with a k no less. Well, my last name starts with a k, and, by spelling crazy with a k, it shows just how "crazy" I am. Sure, there are crazier spellings like krazi, or kraize, but I want to be a little kooky and fun not illiterate. So, other things about me.

My name is Nick, and I just graduated from college with a psychology major (don't worry, I'm not analyzing you.....yet). I like science and research and will hopefully work in that area one day. Also, I'm pretty liberal when it comes to politics, and I'm sure I'll rant about that a little on here. Also, I enjoy reading, movies, and knowledge gaining activities. Overall, I'm a pretty big nerd. I'm sure you'll figure out more about me as I jabber on.

P.S. I'm single, and I like long walks on the beach, doing the things you want to do, and changing myself. Well, one of those things is true and none of those things are pertinent.

Less and less good summer movies

Hey all,

I don't know what it is, but it seems as though this summer has been a weak one for movies. I was extremely excited for Star Trek which did not disappoint. It was fantastic from beginning to end minus some poorly explained science (time travel backward...paradox anyone?). The character development was there as well as excellent dialog, action, and humor. Nothing has come even close to it except, strangely, Up. I wouldn't think that a cartoon movie about an old man flying to South America with balloons would be so good, but it was for many of the reasons stated above.

However, many other movies have been majorly disappointing. For example, Terminator: Salvation, Public Enemies, Year One and even Bruno just to name a few were disappointing. They seemed to be the opposite of the good movies lacking humor (even in comedies), good characters, and good writing. Public Enemies had the potential, but I expected a little more from the guy who did Heat. The only good news is that there's still time for some good summer movies (District 9, Inglorious Basterds). I hope they live up to their potential.