It's a great device. If you aren't aware of the Kindle, it's a digital device often used for reading stories, but the Kindle Fire also allows people to watch movies and television on it. Amazon offers a fairly cheap version for only $80, and the Kindle Fire is priced at a reasonable $200. It's pretty awesome, too. Here are some reasons why.
1. It's light weight, high-quality, and its battery literally lasts for weeks.
Books can be cumbersome. Sure, one book isn't an issue or even two, but why bother with them at all if you can have hundreds of books on the Kindle. It almost feels like reading a book, which is weird at first. But, the experience becomes normal. They can take a bit of a beating too, but that doesn't mean you can beat the crap out of them. But, the nicest thing about kindles is that their battery lasts for weeks. My Kindle operated for three weeks before it needed to be charged.
Now, I'm sure you're saying "so what?" I need more than that. Well, these aren't the best selling points. They are added benefits.
2. Free books and reduced price books.
There are many free books on Kindle including many of Shakespeare's plays. I know. I "bought" them, but there is another benefit too. No Kindle book can cost more than the hardcover or paperback version, and many cost significantly less. So, while it seems like you're shelling out $80 or $100 to just buy more books, the initial cost is offset by cheaper books.
3. Lending and libraries.
Digital books are the way of the future, and libraries have figured this out. While they are not yet widely available, digital books are going to become the new normal (for better or worse). Likewise, if your friends own a Kindle, you can share books. They can loan books to you, and you can loan books to them. I'm not sure about you, but I've loaned out many books and have never had them returned. It's really nice for that not to be a problem.
4. Convenience.
That's the real advantage of the Kindle. This device saves time, which none of us seem to have enough of these days. There is a link to Amazon at the end of this post.
Now, to be perfectly honest, I've published some stories on Kindle, so there is a clear benefit in this for me. I won't deny that, but the Kindle is definitely nice to have. There is a link below if you would like to find out more.