At an occupy protest at UC Davis, non-violent demonstrators were pepper strayed by police. There was no reason for this to occur, and, apparently, many agree. A picture of the event was put on the internet, and it went viral. It may not have been a big deal except that this is hardly the first over reaction by police.
A retired police captain is arrested at an occupy protest.
A Marine's skull is fractured by a tear gas cannister in the Oakland Occupy Protest.
Police repeatedly try to remove protestors by force.
It's a disturbing trend when peaceful assembly is disrupted considering that it's a right listed in the 1st amendment. Police are supposed to be on the side of the people, yet they have repeatedly taken action against them. It's a scary thought, and it doesn't get the attention that it deserves. The tea party is heralded as a great movement that almost everyone, at one time, said they could get behind. What's the difference with the occupy movement? Why is this so hard to support? This seems to have a reasonable explanation though. The money doesn't support it. Those with advertising dollars don't like it, so shows are less willing to air it. Tea Partiers get all kinds of love, but those in the Occupy Movement are left out in the cold. Well, that's enough. Tell others about it, about police brutality against non-violent protesters. I can't care who are, but that simply isn't right, ever.